Center Line Bike Accident Lawyer

Have you been seriously injured as the result of a bicycle accident caused by someone else’s negligence?

Because of the nature of these incidents bike accidents can produce some of the most serious injuries we see. Bicyclists are poorly protected. Fractures and head injuries are common even where the bicyclist is wearing a helmet. Many adult drivers have a prejudice that bicyclists are generally at fault when a collision occurs. Actually the opposite is generally true.

At the law firm of Thomas, Garvey & McKenna, PLLC, we have represented a wide range of clients injured in bike accidents. Our Center Line bike accident lawyer professionals can help you pursue lifetime medical and attendant care, if needed, for injuries you have suffered in a bike accident. You may also be entitled to lost wages and other damages.

Center Line Bike Accident Attorney – Call for a Free Consultation

When our Center Line bike accident lawyers analyze these cases we have to consider right of way, distracted driving, sight distance issues, reaction times and stopping distances. Generally the analysis favors the bicyclist. Michigan no fault insurance nearly always applies to bicycle accidents. The only exception would be where a motor vehicle was not involved. However, physical contact by a motor vehicle is not required for no fault benefits to apply.

We have successfully handled a large number of bicycle related injuries. These cases include those involving cars, trucks and defective roadways or defects in the bicycle itself.

Our Center Line bike accident lawyers specialize in bike accident injury claims involving:

  • Ankle Injuries
  • Arm Injuries
  • Back Injuries
  • Broken Bones
  • Bruises
  • Burns
  • Cuts
  • Elbow Injuries
  • Finger Injuries
  • Head Injuries
  • Hip Injuries
  • Knee Injuries
  • Neck Injuries
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Toe Injuries
  • Wrist Injuries

Center Line Bike Accident Litigation Attorney

When you hire our firm, you can count on us to utilize every resource at our disposal in search of the most favorable possible outcome in your case. Our Center Line bike accident litigation attorneys have extensive experience with these cases and we understand the variety of injuries that can occur. We know what level of compensation to seek and will work to obtain a settlement that accommodates your current and future needs.

At the law firm of Thomas, Garvey & McKenna, PLLC , our Center Line bike accident attorney counselors have also handled wrongful death claims when a bike accident has resulted in death. We have the financial resources to see your case through to its conclusion and we will be there with you to the end.

Contact our Center Line law office today to discuss your bicycle accident with a lawyer. We are available during regular business hours and by appointment evenings and weekends. You can reach us by phone at 586-779-7810, toll free at 866-232-5775 or via e-mail.