Lanse Cruse Birth Injury Lawyer

Does your baby suffer from injuries as a result of medical negligence?

Injuries to mothers and babies during the birth process occur at an unacceptable rate. Unfortunately, the consequences are usually catastrophic. With the available technology and level of training given to our medical professionals, there is no excuse for many birth-related injuries. If you or your baby suffered injury due to medical negligence during the pregnancy or during delivery, be sure that you seek the advice of our Lanse Cruse birth injury attorneys.

At the law firm of Thomas, Garvey & McKenna, PLLC, we have extensive experience handling all types of birth injury cases. Our firm has been in business for over 35 years. We have successfully represented clients throughout Lanse Cruse in a range of birth injury cases.

Lanse Cruse Birth Error Attorney

Birth error cases can be extremely complex and the hospitals will do anything they can to avoid responsibility for the harm that has come to you or your child. When you hire our firm, our Lanse Cruse birth injury attorney professionals will utilize all necessary resources to fully investigate the case and determine who should be held accountable. We will bring in any necessary experts to present the most compelling possible case on your behalf.

Our Lanse Cruse birth error lawyers have represented clients in all types of birth injury cases, including:

  • Birth Trauma
  • Brachial Plexus
  • Cephalopelvic Disproportion
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Cesarean Section Injuries
  • Decreased Amniotic Fluid/Oligohydramnios
  • Diabetes in Pregnancy
  • Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation or DIC
  • Eclampsia
  • Erb’s Palsy
  • Fetal Hypoxia
  • Fetal Macroscomia
  • Forceps Delivery
  • Group B Strep Infections in Pregnancy
  • HELLP Syndrome
  • Hypertension in Pregnancy
  • Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
  • Intrauterine Growth Restriction – IUGR
  • Klumpke’s Palsy
  • Meconium
  • Pitocin/Oxytocin Induction of Labor
  • Placenta Previa
  • Placental Abruption or Abruptio Placenta
  • Preeclampsia
  • Preterm Labor
  • Shoulder Dystocia
  • Umbilical Cord Prolapse or Prolapsed Cord
  • Uterine Rupture
  • Vacuum Assisted Delivery
  • Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Delivery, (“VBAC”)

Lanse Cruse Cerebral Palsy Attorney

One of the most common types of birth injuries we see caused by medical malpractice is cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a type of brain injury that is caused by the brain’s inability to adequately control the body. Cerebral palsy can be caused by many things, some of which are preventable mistakes such as medical malpractice, and others are natural and unavoidable such as infections or genetics. Cerebral palsy symptoms usually appear within the first few years of a child’s life and can be diagnosed early.

To determine if your child’s cerebral palsy was the result of medical negligence, our Lanse Cruse cerebral palsy lawyer professionals will carefully review the labor and delivery records. During this review, we will look for signs of oxygen deficiency, which may have been overlooked in the delivery process.

There are several types of CP including:

  • Ataxic Cerebral Palsy
  • Athetoid Cerebral Palsy
  • Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy
  • Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy
  • Spastic Cerebral Palsy

In addition to the motor disorder, there are several other medical issues that are often associated with cerebral palsy such as mental retardation, learning disabilities, epilepsy, scoliosis, hip dislocation, speech or visual impairments, and Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder.

Lanse Cruse Birth Injury Litigation Attorney

Our Lanse Cruse birth injury attorneys are skilled litigators who prepare every case as if it is going to trial. This approach maximizes settlement potential and actually increases the likelihood of a fair settlement before trial. Lawyers who never try cases negotiate from a position of weakness that reduces settlement value.

Few birth error attorneys can match our success in the courtroom or our experience with matters involving birth injury, brain injury, child TBI, cerebral palsy, serious injuries and medical issues.

Contact our law office today to discuss your case with a Lanse Cruse CP lawyer. We are available during regular business hours and by appointment evenings and weekends. We take all personal injury cases on a contingency basis — you pay no attorney fees unless we obtain compensation for you. You can reach us by phone at 586-779-7810, toll free at 866-232-5775 or via e-mail.